Wednesday, January 29, 2014

About me

 Hi! My name is Gabriela Molina Martínez and I´m a 21-year-old female. I’m studying Cellular and Molecular Biology in the University of Puerto Rico, the best university in the island. In my future I see myself studying something related with sciences, for example, medicine or pharmacy. I live in Corozal, a little town in the center of Puerto Rico where the only thing that you hear are the birds singing and the sounds of nature. All that peace that I feel in my house helps me enjoys my favorite hobby, reading. However, the best thing that I prefer about reading is not all the adventures, romances, tragedy, drama or comedy; is the capacity that the books and the literature give me to travel. Travelling is my main goal in life and inspiration; the opportunity to see the world, different cultures and traditions.

My ten favorite places:
  •           Madrid
  •      Barcelona
  •           Toledo
  •           Paris
  •      Florencia 
  •      Venice 
  •      Roma
  •      Pompeii
  •      New York
  •       Florida
            From all the places I’ve had the opportunity to travel; Spain, Italy, France and the United States, my favorite place has been Madrid.  I went with my family to Madrid in the summers of 2005 and 2007. I really love that city for many reasons. First, I like that Madrid is a historical city and a modern city at the same time; you can be waking and enter in a palace that has hundreds of years and near that palace you can see a modern building. The second thing that I enjoy must of Madrid was all the parks where you can spend hours walking, reading and relaxing; my favorite park was “El Parque del Retiro”. Third, I enjoyed and learned a lot in all the museums and historical sites in Madrid.  Finally, Madrid would give me two benefits if I decide to live there: the language and the excellent transportation system. For this and a lot more reason I can see myself living in Madrid, Spain. 


  1. Madrid sounds like a place full of culture and experiences. I want to visit Europe so badly. The way that you describe the culture and history behind this place, makes me think how little we know about the world and other cultures. Its time to travel and go on adventures.

  2. From what I read, I can tell that you are very proud of your university, which is great! Also, I find it astonishing that you've visited so many wonderful places and how passionate you seem about visiting Madrid. I'd love to read more about your journeys!

  3. I see you've been all the way to Europe and I cannot imagine how fun or amazing must be there. Travelling and knowing every place in the world it's truly a gift and a privilege. I'm looking forward to read more about you and you're "journey of life."

  4. I really liked your post on the places you've been to. I've always wanted to go and visit the Mediterranean. It looks like you had a blast from all the pictures that you posted. Hopefully, I'll be able to go someday!
